Sunday, 18 May 2008

RSS feed - How To Make It?

It is definitely easier to make an RSS feed if you know HTML. If not, you could sign up for a blog (there are hundreds out there), some of which automatically creates RSS. If you’re using a personal webpage building system, you need to understand more about RSS. Making an RSS feed from scratch is relatively easy.

Just follow these simple steps:

==> Create a file for your feed.
Using a certain format, you’d have to create the XML version of your feed. It should include the title or the headline, the body’s short description, and the link where it can be read. There are a lot of different RSS web channel editor you can use for this. Some programs just require you to write news and articles down on a notepad and when placed on the editor, it will show up with the necessary formatting ready for upload. It would be advisable to make at least ten articles for your feed.

==> Save and Upload the file.
After creating your file, save your work as an XML, RSS, or an RDF file. Then you are now ready to upload it. Upload the file using your FTP program and place it on your web server. This process now makes the file readable by RSS news aggregators.

==> Validate the file.
Make your RSS program error-free. RSS is programming, so errors could lie unseen. Again, there are different programs that can assist you for this process. You would just need to place the saved and uploaded RSS file for the program to test it against wrong and missed code and tags. It is essential for you to check your work of course. This way, you’re sure that what you have is readable and usable.

==> Create a directory.
Now that you have created the file, saved it, and made sure it works, you are ready to let other see it. The main purpose of an RSS feed is to broadcast it to all RSS enabled sites. So go ahead and look for a directory where you can place your feed. Some may require fees for uploading a directory. Some offer it for free. Scout around and round up all the free sites you can have and place it there. If you have some marketing budget, you might want to subscribe to sites that charge a minimal amount. Don’t forget to place an icon of your RSS feed on your website, too for those people who visits you directly.

==> Update regularly.
With RSS, you know that the feed changes automatically every time you change the main file. Don’t let your RSS feed sit there for a month without modifying it. Maintain it. Add new articles. The more exciting your topic is, the more people will check your feeds and visit your website.

An item will look like HTML tags. First, you need to put an opening channel tag that defines it as an XML file. Then, label the tag as an item by putting after the channel tag. After this, you can now insert the three essentials of your item: < title >, , and < link >. Just like HTML, we need to close the tag by writing and at the bottom.

An RSS feed that contains multiple tags looks like this:

< title >Anne Marie's Motivation: A Book Review< / title >
If you haven’t read any Anne Marie Ronsen books yet, you will be greeted with shocking romantic relationships forming between unlikely characters…
< link > < / link >

< title >Harry Potter IV: Darker with More Deaths< / title >
The recently released Harry Potter installation has proved dark for its younger readers…
< link > < / link >

< / channel >

Creating an RSS feed for Internet marketing is made very simple now a days. Even people who are not computer savvy can create RSS feeds, based on the steps provided above. The applications that were created for RSS creation are the ones that make it easy for everyday computer users to make an RSS feed. All you need is familiarization with the process.

Start now creating RSS feeds. Give your competitor something fierce to duel with. Needless to say, RSS feeds give your website more traffic than usual web hosting. And web traffic means more people seeing your products that could be interested in buying them. Add strength to your marketing strategy. Make RSS feeds and be ready to sell.

Have fun!

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

Disadvantages VS Advantages of RSS

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a tool useful for saving or retaining updated information on websites that you frequently visit or websites that are your favorite. RSS utilizes an XML code which scans continuously the content or subject matter of a certain website in search for new informations then transmits the information updates by way of feeding the information to subscribers.

RSS gives benefits to both readers (users) and web publishers.
¤ ¤ ¤ It gives you the latest updates.
Whether it is about the weather, new music, software upgrade, local news, or a new posting from a rarely-updates site learn about the latest as soon as it comes out.

¤ ¤ ¤ It gives the power of subscription to the user.
Users are given a free-hand on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators which they can change at any time they decide differently.

¤ ¤ ¤ It saves on surfing time.
Since an RSS feed provides a summary of the related article, it saves the user’s time by helping s/he decide on which items to prioritize when reading or browsing the net.

¤ ¤ ¤ It is spam free.
Unlike email subscriptions, RSS does not make use of your email address to send updates thus your privacy is kept safe from spam mails.

¤ ¤ ¤ Unsubscribing is hassle-free.
Unlike email subscriptions where the user is asked questions on why she/he is unsubscribing and then the user would be asked to confirm unsubscribing, all you have to do is to delete the RSS feed from your aggregator.

¤ ¤ ¤ It can be used as an advertising or marketing tool.
Users who subscribe or syndicate product websites receive the latest news on products and services without the website sending spam mail. This is advantageous to both the web user and the website owner since advertising becomes targeted; those who are actually interested in their products are kept posted.

The disadvantages of RSS use are brought about by its being a new technology and some user-preference concerns.
¤ ¤ ¤ Some users prefer receiving email updates over an RSS feed.

¤ ¤ ¤ Graphics and photos do not appear in all RSS feeds.
For conciseness and ease of publication, RSS feeds do not display the photos from the original site in announcing the update except for some web-based aggregators

¤ ¤ ¤ The identity of the source website can be confusing.
Since RSS feeds do not display the actual URL or name of the website, it can sometimes get confusing on what feed a user is actually reading.

¤ ¤ ¤ Publishers cannot determine how many users are subscribed to their feed and the frequency of their visits. Moreover, they would not know the reasons why users unsubscribe which could be important in improving their advertising.

¤ ¤ ¤ RSS feeds create higher traffic and demands on the server.
Most readers still prefer the whole update over a brief summary of the entry, thus they still access the site.

¤ ¤ ¤ Since it is a new technology, many sites still do not support RSS.

It is easy to subscribe to entertainment RSS feed, just click the button that indicates the RSS feed. You usually have to copy the URL into your aggregator, but some RSS feeds automatically download into your reader. You can unsubscribe to an RSS feed anytime.

The great thing about RSS feeds, is that you're always updated with the latest news and happenings.

RSS feeds is revolutionizing the way information consumers get their content. Instead of being bombarded with a plethora of useless information, the consumers now can select & reject the material that goes into their consciousness.

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

The Advantage of Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS

One of the most popular features of Internet portals, websites, pages and even emails is a frame that features an organized list of news headlines and periodic updates from other web sources. Really Simple Syndication, formerly “Rich Site Summary” or simply, RSS makes this possible.

Most users visit a lot of websites whose content continually change, such as news sites, community organization or professional association information pages, medical websites, product support pages, and blogs. As Internet surfing became an intrinsic part of business and leisure, it became important to get rid of the very tedious task of repeatedly returning to each website to see updated content.

RSS easily distributes information from different websites to a wider number of Internet users. RSS aggregators are programs that use RSS to source these updates, and then organize those lists of headlines, content and notices for easy reading. It allows computers to automatically retrieve and read the content that users want, then track changes and personalize lists of headlines that interests them.

The specially made computer programs called “RSS aggregators” were created to automatically find and retrieve the RSS feeds of pre-selected internet sites on behalf of the user and organize the results accordingly. (RSS feeds and aggregators are also sometimes referred to as "RSS Channels" and "RSS Readers".)

The RSS aggregator is like a web browser for RSS content. HTML presents information directly to users, and RSS automatically lets computers communicate with one another. While users use browsers to surf the web then load and view each page of interest, RSS aggregators keeps track of changes to many websites. The titles or descriptions are links themselves and can be used to load the web page the user wants.

RSS starts with an original Web site that has content made available by the administrator. The website creates an RSS document and registers this content with an RSS publisher that will allow other websites to syndicate the documents. The Web site also produces an RSS feed, or channel, which is available together with all other resources or documents on the particular Web server. The website will register the feed as an RSS document, with a listed directory of appropriate RSS publishers.

An RSS feed is composed of website content listed from newest to oldest. Each item usually consists of a simple title describing the item along with a more complete description and a link to a web page with the actual content being described. In some instances, the short description or title line is the all the updated information that a user wants to read (for example, final games scores in sports, weblogs post, or stock updates). Therefore, it is not even necessary to have a web page associated with the content or update items listed -- sometimes all the needed information that users need would be in the titles and short summaries themselves.

The RSS content is located in a single file on a webpage in a manner not very different from typical web pages. The difference is that the information is written in the XML computer code for use by an RSS aggregator and not by a web user like a normal HTML page.

There are 2 main parts that are involved in RSS syndication, namely: the source end and the client end.

The client end of RSS publishing makes up part of the system that gathers and uses the RSS feed. For example, Mozilla FireFox browser is typically at the client end of the RSS transaction. A user’s desktop RSS aggregator program also belongs to the client end.

Once the URL of an RSS feed is known, a user can give that address to an RSS aggregator program and have the aggregator monitor the RSS feed for changes. Numerous RSS aggregators are already preconfigured with a ready list of RSS feed URLs for popular news or information websites that a user can simply choose from.

There are many RSS aggregators that can be used by all Internet users. Some can be accessed through the Internet, some are already incorporated into email applications, and others run as a standalone program inside the personal computer.

There are many benefits to using RSS feeds. Aside from being a great supplemental communication method that streamlines the communication needs of various sectors, RSS tools and feeds can also have tremendous benefits in your business, particularly in the field of internet marketing.

RSS tools and feeds provide Internet users with a free (or cheap) and easy advertising or online marketing opportunity for their businesses. Below are some of the RSS features that can help make your internet marketing strategies more effective.

1. Ease in content distribution services. With RSS, your business can be captured and displayed by virtually any external site, giving you an easy way to 'spread out' and advertise them.

2. Ease in regular content updates. With RSS, web contents concerning your business can now be automatically updated on a daily (and even hourly) basis. Internet users will be able to experience 'real time' updates as information in your own file (such as new products and other business-related releases) is changed and modified simultaneously with that of the RSS feeds that people are subscribed to.

3. Custom-made content services. With RSS, visitors can have personalized content services, allowing them total control of the flow and type of information that they receive. Depending on their interests and needs, visitors can subscribe to only those contents that they are looking for (such as real estate or job listings).

4. Increase in (and targeted) traffic. With RSS, traffic will be directed to your site as readers of your content summary (or 1 to 2 lines of your article) who find them interesting are 'forced' to click on a link back to your site.

RSS can be an effective marketing tool for your website, especially in the following fields:

¤ ¤ ¤ E-mail marketing and publishing

¤ ¤ ¤ Search engine marketing and optimization

¤ ¤ ¤ Business blogging

¤ ¤ ¤ Internet advertising

¤ ¤ ¤ Digital public relations

¤ ¤ ¤ Branding and e-commerce

In addition, RSS can 'power' your website, providing you with the following:

==> Valuable, updated, and relevant resources for site visitors and potential clients - RSS is ideal for websites that contain (and syndicate) a lot of information that has to be changed or updated regularly.

==> Search engine optimization for the website.

==> Increased traffic for the website - your website can 'harvest' and display information from other sites, driving more traffic to your own website.

==> A wide selection of 'channels' for content distribution, such as PDA's, cellular phones, voice mails, and email ticklers.

==> A reliable way to have your web content delivered to Internet users and potential clients - RSS ensures that your site is viewed by the people who are interested in them, without having them blocked and 'cleaned' by ISPs or Spam filters.

These are just some of the advantages that RSS can give your website (and your business). The uses of feeds will continue to grow, because RSS aggregators make access to any information that individual users like more convenient and fun. The possibilities are endless, as more and more comes up almost everyday. Do not be left behind - take the advantage of the marketing and publishing power of RSS.

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Top 100 Ways To Get Blog Traffic

1. Join Adland Pro, add friends, and join communities. (Highly recommended!)

2. Make sure you sign up with Technorati and ping it every time you update your blog content.

Ping RSS aggregators after each post. Use a ping service such as Pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators.

4. Submit your blog to lots of directories, using
Directory submitter

5. Use trackbacks whenever possible.

6. Leave comments on blogs that are in the same niche as yours.

7. Make sure you tell all of your friends about your blog.

8. Always use your blog url when posting in forums.

9. Use bait to entice people to click your link.

10. Inform all of your
subscribers about your blog asap.

11. Always write a Press Release for your blog.

12. Link to other blogs in your blog postings

13. Try to tag your posts using Technorati tags

14. Submit all of your posts to all social bookmarking sites using Onlywire

15. Stumble all of your posts with Stumble Upon.

16. In your postings, answer questions from
Yahoo Answers

17. Answer questions on forums related to your niche with a link to one of your blog posts that answers the question.

18. Set up a feed with
Feed Burner and keep better track of your blog.

19. Put lists on your blog, such as "My Favourite Affiliate Programs"

Many of the most popular blog posts are lists like this one.

20. Always try to use pictures/images. All of the top bloggers do!.

21. Try to put video on your blog whenever possible.

22. Try to find out what people want to read about in your specific niche.

Then write about it!

23. If you hear a news story, try to be the first to post about it..

24. Use
keyword research to find good keywords to use in your posts.

25. Try to stir things up, by posting controversial posts

26. Strongly Agree or strongly disagree with other bloggers postings.

Then write about it and include a link to the blog.

27. Your readers should find it easy to sign up for your RSS feed.

28. Also, make sure that readers can
digg your post..

29. Always give your readers the opportunity to
bookmark your sites

Bookmark and Share

30. If it's possible, try to interview well known people in your specified niche.

31. Ensure that you give credit to any blog that inspires your post.

32. Under NO circumstances, should you be boring. Nobody likes boring people.

33. Don't get too technical. Always try to
write for beginners.

Group writing projects are well worth taking part in.

35. Participate in
blog memes.

36. Create a blog meme and then tag all of your friends.

37. Always try and participate in
blog carnivals.

38. Always post to your blog at different times of the day.

39. Submit all of your best posts using an
Article Submitter

40. Try to write "Killer Content".

41. Learn how to start a group blog. Group blogs get more traffic, because more people are creating the content and more people are promoting it.

42. Allow guest partners on your blog.

43. Create a blog meme and tag an A-list blogger who you like.

44. Submit your blog to athe regular directories, such as

45. Promote your blog by joining "Spicy Page"

46. Try to join a blog web ring.

47. Sign up for
Twitter and promote your blog on it.

48. Join
Link And Blog

49. Join as many free traffic programs as you can. (click the banners on this page).

50. Exchange your ads with complimentary blogs.

51. Trade blog role links with other related blogs in your niche.

52. Join up at
Rojo. Subscribe to your feed and then click “add mojo” on your better articles.

53. Add a Plug-In, so your readers know when there are new comments.

54. Enable visitors to submit your post to all Social Bookmarking Sites.

Don't specify just one, eg Digg.

55. Put a tell-a-friend script on your blog.

56. Make sure your visitors can bookmark your page in their browser.

Bookmark and Share

57. Make it exceptionally easy for readers to add links to your blog.

58. Always use easy to read fonts on your blog.

59. Make sure your blog has a
professional looking design.

60. Make sure your blog is easy to navigate.

61. Highlight all of your most popular posts.

62. Some of your posts should ask provocative questions.

63. For the titles of your blog posts, use questions!

64. Use your best keywords in your blog title

65. Always reply to questions you recieve via email.

66. Also, reply to every question that you get asked on your blog.

67. Tell other bloggers about your best posts. eg. breaking news!

68. Always give away free stuff, such as ebooks and
web tools.

69. If you get the opportunity -
Run a competition.

Publish videos on you tube and enter your URL at the beginning and end.

71. Install a
translation plug-in service

72.Ensure that anything that leaves your home,has your URL on it.

Business Cards, mailing labels, stationary etc.

73. Search for a list of web 2.0 websites, and promote your blog on as many of them as you can.

74. Search for Wikis related to your niche to submit your blog to.

For example,“make money online wiki” or “internet marketing wiki”.

75. Try to give regular polls - Use a plug-in like "

76. If possible, try to add a trivia quiz page. People will always love a quiz!

77. Place
e-card pages on your blog.

78. Add a forum on your blog. This will enable visitors to comment on your niche.

79. Place a Wiki onto your blog.

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80. Join Hubpages and in your articles, be sure to add links to your blog.

81. Join
Blink List and make a list of blogs with your blog in it. blink it

82. When you get a moment, join up at 43 Things. Then write a list, of 43 things that you would like to achieve. Place your blog URL in the list.

83. Sign up free at
Blogger Party. Once you have joined, write posts and link them back to your own URL.

84. Create a
Squidoo Lens with a link to your blog.

85. Provide Wikipedia articles with links to your blog where it makes sense.

86. Let other blog authors review your blog, by telling them that you will link back to them.

87. Join Blog catalog, this is very similar to MyBlogLog.

88. Create a Facebook or MySpace page. Once they are created, put your blog onto your personal page, and invite some friends over.

89. Get a good knowledge of SEO -
Search Engine Optimization

90. When you are writing, it is vitally important that you use proper punctuation, correct spelling and excellent grammar. Readers appreciate this!

91. Make sure that you submit your blog, to all of the directories in your niche.

92. Everytime you publish a new post, make sure that you email your friends and instant messenger friends.

93. If you own any more websites, add a link to your blog from them.

94. If you write a post about any of the top bloggers in your county/state or country.

Let them know about it. They will more than likely place a link back to you.

95. Make sure you promote all of your posts on any related newsgroups.

96. Always post frequently and consistantly.

97. Submit your site to free website
review sites.

98. Look for sites that end in .edu that have link pages. These are great!

99. Arrange to give out Blogger Awards. Then tell your fellow bloggers about it.

100. Put both of your hands together and

Monday, 12 May 2008

eBay - How To Protect Yourself From Scams and Fraud

If you've ever read an article about eBay, you will have seen the kinds of incomes people make - it isn't unusual to hear of people making thousands of dollars per month on eBay.

Countless people have been scammed and defrauded on eBay. eBay is a fun place to bid on items and to sell items - but you must know how to recognize a scam, and how to avoid them, them or you quickly join the ranks of those who have lost their money to eBay scams. Of course, if you are scammed, there are some actions you can take the correct the situation - but in many cases, the scammer does indeed get away! The best option is to avoid being scammed.

You can easily avoid many scams with the payment method that you use - whether you are a buyer or a seller. eBay owns Paypal, and in most cases, Paypal is the payment method you should use. First, as a buyer, if you are scammed or less than satisfied with the item when it arrives, you can dispute the charge easily, and demand a refund. The seller must reply and show proof that the item was shipped, and that it arrived in the condition that you expected, or Paypal will return your funds to your account.

As a seller, you can protect yourself by only accepting Paypal. This will eliminate the chances of receiving a bad check or having the buyer dispute a credit card charge. Instead, they must dispute the charge through paypal, and you of course will be able to prove that you shipped the product. You cannot, however, prove that the product arrived in the condition that was expected. In this case, you should demand that the product be returned to you before the refund is issued.

Another common scam that buyers use is the bidding scam. This type of scam is run either with two separate eBay accounts - with one person in control of both of them, or with two friends with separate eBay accounts. A very small bid is placed on your item, using one account. This is followed by a very high bid, from the other eBay account. Right
before the bidding ends, the high bid is cancelled or withdrawn, leaving the low bid as the winning bid. This bid can only be avoided by setting a reserve price - the lowest bid that can be placed is the same as the reserve price that you set.

If you are an eBay seller, you can further protect your auctions by placing a notice on your auctions page, declaring that you have the right to back out of the sale if you suspect potential fraud. As both a buyer and a seller, also beware of spoofed emails. These emails appear to be from eBay. The email may claim that you need to verify your information,
and ask you to login to your eBay account, using the link provided. If you follow that link, the site looks exactly like eBay, but it is actually a scam to get your eBay login details, as well as your credit card details! eBay will never ask you to do this. If you suspect a spoofed email, report it to eBay immediately!

Don’t let scammers ruin your eBay fun! Just use good common sense, and a reasonable amount of caution, and everything should run smoothly. Report suspicious activity to eBay, and if a deal doesn’t feel right, simply back away from it and move on to the next auction.

Read all of the information eBay provides for you at the site. The information is free and you will learn a great deal from it. Take full advantage of this - before you start setting up your first auction or your eBay store! By reading through all of the resources, you will avoid making numerous mistakes that so many before you have made. This is another step towards building a successful eBay business. Once you’ve made it through the learning process, you should know everything you need to know to get started with a money making eBay business of your very own.

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:


Sitemap - How To Create It?

Sitemap is vital to a website. People search the web a lot for something. If your website has what that particular person is looking for, and your sitemap reports it, then you have a new customer looking at your items. Not only that, they will see some other things up for sale that they might be interested in as well.

A site map serves more like a table of contents of your website. It should provide all of the different sections of your internet site with all the information and data that may be found in each section

A sitemap of a website is similar to the table of contents of a book. Sitemaps are important because it guides web surfers to the particular part of the website they have a point of interest in. With it they would save time following links and get right to the point instead.

Sitemaps are also where search engines look at if somebody is looking for a particular keyword or phrase. If you have a site map, you can most likely be searched.

Creating a sitemap, now with software technology surging in, is relatively easier than before. You need not be a programming guru to be one. All need is a notepad, a program editor, and some patience. Here’s how you do it:

¤ ¤ ¤ Create the listing on a notepad.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a notepad. Any word processing program will do. First off, make sure to type in all the parts and pieces of your website. Include all pages and all links you have. Create it as if you listing the contents of your book. Make a draft first. You’re sure no to miss something out this way.

¤ ¤ ¤ Create a new page for your sitemap.
You can insert the sitemap on your website on one of its pages or you can create an entirely different page for it. Using your notepad, incorporate all tags necessary to it to make another webpage. Open up your website creator program and tag your sitemap using it. If you have created your website on your own, this will be easy for you.

¤ ¤ ¤ Create a link for the sitemap.
You won’t be able to view the sitemap if you won’t put a link for it, of course. Create the link on the front page of your website so that visitors can view it right away and be directed appropriately.

¤ ¤ ¤ Check your work.
It is important to validate the functionality of the links you created on the sitemap. Test each and every one in there and if you get an error, be sure to fix it accurately. Run through every single page to make sure that all are accounted for.

¤ ¤ ¤ Upload your work.
Place the sitemap now on your live browser and double check it. It should function as smoothly as the dry run. Error should be minimal at this stage since you already have verified it locally.

The steps provided herewith is the manual way of creating a sitemap. These days, if you search hard enough on the web, you will find online programs that will do all these work for you. All you have to do it type in the URL or the link of your website and they will create the sitemap with click of a button.

Of course that method is generic. All of you who have created their sitemap that way will have an end product that is all the same, plus there’s that possibility that something else will be inserted in there too. Then again, the process is less taxing and way, way simpler.

Here are some important pointers in creating your HTML site map.
1. Get tutorials on how to make your site map. There are available pages online that can give you a step-by-step guide in coming up with a good website.

2. You can also ensure that your site map looks good, to make it more pleasing to the eye of your visitor and to make navigation easier. You can get ideas for a properly designed site map online too.

3. Make sure that your site map will provide also the links to the important pages in your web site. This way your visitors will not get lost. At the same time you can ensure that your guests will still be able to get the general idea of your web site structure. It is advisable that you make links as simple as possible.

4. Make the link to your site map as visible and obvious as possible in your homepage. Visitors should not spend too much time in locating it or else you might end up losing them.

5. A site map serves more like a table of contents of your website. It should provide all of the different sections of your internet site with all the information and data that may be found in each section.

6. Each of the contents in your site map must have a hyperlink to its respective URL.

7. If you will have to give way to numerous links, you can make use of several pages. You could numbers each site-map page or you could also make use of the contents in naming each site-map.

There are certain benefits in having a good HTML sitemap. This generally would assure any potential customer to easily navigate the site, find exactly what they came to look for. The site map page will serve as a tool for your visitors. This way they will opt to visit your site more if they can easily browse and find their way in your web site. It can also ensure that your visitors can very well stay in your web site.

Good links will also ensure you that spiders will locate your web site easily each week. This will make your site indexed by the important search engines online. This will also avoid your site from being dropped.

Having an HTML site map will furthermore help you in maximizing traffic to your web site. Just make sure that your homepage as well all the internal pages are properly indexed. Creating a site map will definitely make things more efficient for you. The links to all the pages in your website will be directly connected to your homepage.

Now that you have learned basic things about sitemaps, maybe it is time for you to build one for your site.

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Directory Of Social Bookmarking Sites

Top 10 Popular Sites:
1) - [PR 8]
2) Digg - [PR 7]
3) Listible
4) Furl - [PR 8]
5) Yahoo My Web 2.0 Beta - [PR 7]
6) Flickr - [PR 8]
7) Slashdot - [PR 9]
8) Youtube - [PR 6]
9) Simpy - [PR 6]
10) Technorati - [PR 8]

34Things - To do List, Activity Lists [PR 8]
AllMyFavorites - [PR 4]
Article Tag - Social bookmarking service. [PR4]
aworldofhelp - [PR4]
Backflip - General [PR 6]
beanrocket - general [PR 6]
Bookkit - [PR4]
Bookmark Manager - [PR5]
BookmarkSync -[PR5]
BibSonomy - [PR1]
Blauer Bote Bookmarks / link - Bookmark manager for German & English [PR 5]
BlinkBits - [PR 4]
BlinkList - [PR6]
BlinkPro - [PR5]
BlogHop - [PR7]
BlogLot - [PR 2] - [PR 6] - [Network also has French, Spanish and Portuguese version -] [PR5] - [PR 8]
BlogPulse - [PR7] - [PR4]
BmAccess - [PR4]
BookmarkTracker - [PR 5]
browsr - [PR5] - [PR6]
butterfly - [PR 4]
CiteULike - Social bookmarking for academic papers. [PR6] - [PR 5]
clipclip - [PR4]
clipfire - [PR 6]
Clipmarks - [PR4]
commontimes - [PR6]
Connectedy - Converts browser bookmarks into social categories. [PR5]
Connotea - Social bookmarking for the scientific community. [PR7]
Complore (Research Collaboration Tool for Researchers) - [PR 8] - [PR 6]
Digg - Technology site combining social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control. [PR7]
diigo - [PR6]
dinnerbuzz - for guide to restaurants, bars, and coffee shops anywhere in the world. [PR5]
Dog Ear - [PR3] [P33]
Dutch Social Bookmarking site - This is the (currently only) Social Bookmarking site for the Netherlands. [PR3]
Fantacular -[PR5]
Fark - [PR8]
Favoor (Available in English and German) [PR3]
Feed Butler [PR6]
FeedMeLinks [PR4 /PR3]
Feedmarker - RSS and ATOM aggregator & bookmarks manager. [PR5]
Filangy [PR5]
Flikr - social bookmarks for photos [PR8]
FlipSkipper [PR3]
Furl - this is similar to Similar to [PR8]
GetBoo - [PR1]
Gibeo - [PR6]
GiveALink - bookmarks for academic research [PR4]
GoKoDo MyBookmarks [PR4 - MAIN SITE]
GoobToob - Video clips, vote your favorite videos to the top, and submit new video clips.
Google Notebook
H2O Playlist - [PR6]
Hotlist Anywhere - [PR5]
Hot Links - [PR6]
Hyperlinkomatic - [PR5] - [PR 3]
IceRocket - [PR7]
IndiaGram (Also has a voting system like [PR4]
Indiamarks (Bookmarking site dedicated to Indian community) [PR2]
Jots [PR6]
Kaboodle - [PR6]
Kinja - Blog bookmarking & aggregation service [PR 7]
KMFavorites - [PR5] and - German Internet Bookmarking Service [PR3]
Lilisto -[PR3]
linkaGoGo - [PR7]
linkfilter - [PR6]
linkroll - - [PR6]
LibraryThing - for books - [PR7]
Linux Bookmarks (LQ) - Bookmark, tag, annotate and share links to Open Source and Linux related sites - - [PR7]
ListMixer - [PR6]
Listible - [PR2]
Lookmarks (beta) - search & share bookmarks - [PR5]
Ma.gnolia - [PR5]
Maple - [PR6]
Mecanbe - - [PR 6]
Millions Of Games - casual games, tagged, rated and bookmarked by hundreds of users daily - [PR 5]
MotorKen - [PR 5]
MyProgs - Social bookmarking for the programs that you personally use, etc. - [PR 6]
Netvouz - [PR 6]
NEWNOOZE - general social bookmarking site.
Network Menus - - [PR 4]
Newsvine - [PR 7]
NowPublic - [PR 6]
openBM - [PR 4]
O Y A X - bookmarking service with groups - [PR 4]
PeerMark - [PR 4]
People Feeds - [PR 5]
Pluck Web Edition (PWE)
RawSugar - [PR 6]
Reader² - [PR 6]
Reddit - [PR 7]
Rojo - [PR 7]
Rollyo - [PR 6] - social bookmark service for locations. - [PR 5]
Save Your Links - [PR 5] - [PR 6]
Scuttle - Download the script and start a bookmarking service. Web-based social bookmarking system. Allows multiple users to store, share and tag their favourite links online.
Segnalo - Italian Social Bookmarking - [PR 5]
Shadows - [PR 7]
Shoppersbase (Bookmarking website for online shoppers)
Shoutwire - [PR 5]
Simpy - offers Social bookmarking with tagging & full-text searching. - [PR 6]
SiteJot - [PR 5]
sitetagger - [PR 2]
Slashdot - [PR 9]
Smarking - [PR 5]
Spurl - stores copies of the pages saved. - [PR 6]
Squidoo - General topics [PR 5]
Start Aid - [PR 5]
Start - General by Microsoft [PR 7]
Social Bookmarking (Provides users with a personal social bookmarking sub-domain)
Sync2It's BookmarkSync - [PR 5]
Tab Marks - [PR 5]
taghop - [PR 4]
Tagsy - [PR 3] - [PR 5- main site]
TailRank - [PR 6] - [PR 4]
Technorati - [PR 8]
TheThingsIWant - [PR 5]
Ticklr - [PR 4]
Tutorialism - Bookmarking website for tutorials
uLinkx - Social Video/Music Bookmarking
unalog - open source book marking software - [PR 5]
URLBlaze - url sharing tool. - [PR 3]
URLex - bookmarking & RSS feeds - [PR 4]
Wazima - [PR 5]
Web Feeds - [PR 5]
Wink - General social bookmarking + Search engine [PR 6]
Wiklink - Tool for use to synchronize bookmarks with your browser.
Wists - Shopping links, Visual bookmarks, wishlists and also photoblogs. [PR7]
World Wide Wisdom - [PR 5]
wURLdBook - [PR 5]
Yahoo! My Web - General bookmarking + sepcialty feeds + Available in many languages [PR 7]
Yoono - [PR 6]
Youtube - [PR 6]
Yummy! Social PDF Library - Bookmark and find PDFs and print them too! - [PR 5]
Zaadz - [PR 6]
Zurpy - [PR 5]
Disclaimer: I can offer no guarantees about the functionality of the sites listed on this page. If you come across a non-working url it could be possible that the site may be experiencing technical problems or it may may no longer exist. I will remove non-working urls from time to time. I will also be adding more websites as I discover them..

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Benefits and Tips on Designing a Site Map

A site map basically is a page that features or lists the links you have on your web site. This will make it easier for search engines to proceed and spider your web site. It is usually found near the bottom page of a web site.

The following tips will be very useful in designing a site map:

1. Link the sitemap only to your homepage.
This is to ensure that the spider starts searching from your homepage down to all the pages listed in your sitemap. In this way, no page would be left unvisited by the spider.

2. Do not go beyond 30 pages for a sitemap.
Large websites having 50 or more pages should not go beyond 30 since this adds more pages to the site, and might make search engines think that the sitemap is a link farm. Also, this prevents overcrowding of links which could be tiring to view.

3. Check all the links listed in your sitemap.
It can be discouraging when you click on a link only to find out that nothing is displayed. Test your sitemap; click all links in every page to make sure that all links are indeed linked to the right page.

4. Give keyword-rich titles to sitemap links.
Keyword-rich titles give your site more advantage in being searched properly under the right category. But be sure to have this sitemap link linked back to the sitemap (e.g. back to sitemap).

5. Provide a short description for the links in the sitemap.
Doing so would give readers a better idea of what to find in the link and save them time on surfing.

6. Be consistent in designing your sitemap with the other pages of the site.
Employ a recurring design and the same HTML template for all pages to establish identity and build character to your website.

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There are at least three major types of sitemaps: indexed, full categorical, and restricted categorical. An indexed site map appears as an alphabetical listing or directory.
A full categorical map displays all links classified into categories; while a restricted categorical sitemap displays all links listed in a chosen category at a time. The full and restricted sitemaps are very similar except that the former displays all links in all categories all at once in a page, while the latter focuses only the links under the selected category for easier and less eye-straining viewing.

Some tips in setting up your sitemap

1. No page would be left unturned
Going back to the purpose of sitemaps, having one would mean faster and easier tracking and crawling of spiders all over your site. As a result, search engines would surely get to the view all the pages of your site and not just the pages containing random keywords.

2. Easier navigation for site visitors
Once a web user has accessed your sitemap, they need not go back to the search engine page to look for what they need. If what they are looking for is in your site, then they would have an easier and faster way of locating it.

3. Potential advertising value
If it so happens that a relevant product or service company reaches your site, then it would be easier for them to see how best they can position themselves in the different pages of your site as a paid page advertisement.

4. Encourage greater traffic to your site
If your company website has a sitemap then potential buyers would have an easier time in accessing your latest products and services. Moreover, they would not miss out on any product that might be off future interest to them since the sitemap would display all information found the site.

Now that you have learned basic things about sitemaps, maybe it is time for you to build one for your site.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

Friday, 9 May 2008

How To Use FREE Methods To generate More Traffic

Web traffic is important for websites to function. No particular site will exist without having web traffic; there is no point really of having a site without anyone going in. Owners of a website are continuously running the online business because of the profit they got from the traffic. Even the most optimized site will not be successful without any web traffic.

There so many ways to get a web traffic to your website. Most of them do not require out right money but guarantees to give you profit in time.

¤¤¤¤ Make your own content

Writing and posting articles is an effective strategy to increase web traffic. However, in writing articles, the content must match with the theme of your site. You need to write about something that you are familiar with.

If you come up with friendly and readable articles, more visitors will get interested in reading them. As much as possible, you can give tips and advices, which you have learned from your experiences. This will attract the reader’s attention, which can thereby increase web traffic.

After every article, you must include a resource box. You can also include a short and brief biography about yourself. It is also necessary to include the URL of your website for it to make sense and add traffic to your site. Put knowledge that you know into every writings, you can discuss tips, tricks, guidelines that you get from your own life experiences. This will encourage your visitors to frequently visit your site.

Submit your articles to article directories and published on websites. Before you know it, your content will be displayed on various websites and read by customers who would even be attracted to what you are offering.

The technique in article marketing is to write quality and informative articles that focus on your niche market. Publishers are always on the search for fresh new contents. Once they see your articles, they would want to use them in their publications. When this happens, your link popularity will be given a boost along with your search engine rankings.

When writing articles, look for the right keywords to target. They should then match the topic of your site. It is best to try and use keywords that have very high traffic but with low competition from existing websites. What is important is that you get the attention of your readers and keep them still in reading your articles to get the real thought.

¤¤¤¤ Exchange links

This is the most effective way to bring traffic in your website. This is a careful study of all the links shown on the search engines. Exchanging links to other sites is a good strategy to generate web traffic. If you carefully study the performance of top ranking sites on the different search engines, you will get numerous links.

It is important to secure the sites that are linked to you to have topics same to your website. Traffic is generated if the same subject is seen on the recommendation by the site that you share your subject with. There will be an increased chance of reaching the highest rank with the benefit of linking with other site or search engines. Both sites exchanging links will benefit from this exercise.

¤¤¤¤ RSS

Blogs and RSS feeds go hand in hand. Since more people are into blogs, website owners are finding that this has become a valuable tool in getting website traffic.

¤¤¤¤ Newsletter

The more subscribers you get, the more chances of increasing web traffic is achieved. If you have regular visitors, you must send them newsletter regularly. It is either on weekly or monthly basis.

¤¤¤¤ Traffic exchanges

This is another form of exchange links allowing the member to view each other’s web pages by surfing. By surfing to the web pages, you are gaining points, the more you surf the more points you receive. You are also given an option to gain credits. This will not produce much traffic but it will obtain the names for your visitors by using squeeze pages.

¤¤¤¤ Ezines

This is for those who have ezines. You can building up a huge opt-in list of subscribers to your ezine in order to bring in more website traffic to your site.

Use your ezine to give out tips and suggestions to your readers. When you have built up a good relationship with your readers, they will remain faithful to you and try to come back for more of what you have to offer.

Your ezine should be directly related to the topic of your site and gives information that will be very much helpful. You will realize that once you continuously manage your site based on a single focus, you will be regarded as an expert on that field. When you are considered an expert, visitors will come looking for you to seek out ideas and suggestions.

¤¤¤¤ Viral marketing.

One way of getting more website traffic is by giving out freebies to your visitors. Consumers come running at the first sign of something free. Many websites offer free reports that their visitors can download and be able to use.

One example of a freebie that can bring a lot of website traffic is updated report and tutorials on using software like RSS for all kinds of website.

The viral marketing techniques you should are the ones, which you can brand with a link to the company and that can pass around with no trouble at all. Programs that goes with what your site is all about is another viral marketing suggestion you may want to consider.

¤¤¤¤ Forums

The last good option to increase web traffic is having online forums. You can think of good subjects so that a lot of people will get interested. With a good subject, expect your members to be frequently logging into your site and you can get the web traffic that you have been dreaming of.

You can host a forum or community that talks about any subject you can visualize. Search for the forums that can be added to the topic that you wish to promote. Carefully study the entire discussed topic and relate it to the questions asked during the discussion. The discussion can also answer personal questions. Make sure that in every discussion made, you put a small resource box at the end of it to serve as a link to your particular site. You must not advertise other sites, if you advertise it you will be banned from joining the forum. It is necessary to put your bio in every end of your postings. Do not pursue with some of the forums that do not allow the posting of a resource box.

Any of this method will give your website web traffic. These eight ways are proven to attract traffic in your website successfully. You can count on an increased web traffic and soon enough, an increase in profits.
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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:


Thursday, 8 May 2008

What Can You Do With The Full Private Label Rights?

Anything you want to do with them!

Here are just some ideas:

¤¤¤ You can use the products for personal use.

¤¤¤ You can put your name on the products as the author!

¤¤¤ You can edit the contents, change the E-Cover, re-title the products, and include your very own back-end affiliate links!

¤¤¤ You can break the E-Book contents down to articles for your viral article submissions, blogs or even e-zine!

¤¤¤ You can sell the products, individually or in a package at any price you wish! The profit potential is yours to decide!

¤¤¤ You can add the products into your (free/paid) membership site for your members to enjoy and increase the perceived value of your membership content!

¤¤¤ You can use the products as a bonus to another product you are selling!

¤¤¤ You can include these products into a paid package and sell at a higher price!

¤¤¤ You can sell the products through auction sites!

¤¤¤ You can offer the (Master) Resell Rights - together or separately - to the products - and sell at a higher price!

¤¤¤ You can resell the Private Label Rights to the products at an even higher price!

¤¤¤ You can give the products away - with or without Private Label Rights - and use them as lead collectors to build your mailing list!

¤¤¤ You can change and publish the products offline!

And so much more!

As there are no restrictions imposed on these products, you decide how you want to use them in your favor to make sales and build your business!

So there's:

¤¤¤ No need to waste your time creating your own Info Products from scratch,

¤¤¤ No need to hire a graphic designer to create your product E-covers,

¤¤¤ And certainly no need to pay costly ghostwriting fees!

With careful planning, the benefits that Private Label Rights can offer are countless.

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Discover how to watch and learn while you sell & earn with this Massive Collection of Internet Business Training Videos:

Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Drug Rehabilitation FORUM

Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:
